February 15, 2011

Star Wars Invasion - November 2010

James decided that he wanted to have a Star Wars party for his Birthday this year.  I have never seen star wars but I'm not dead so I do have some idea as to what it entails.

We don't have awhile lot of pictures but enough to sort of get the feel for the party.  We had about 15 kids here and it was a little chaotic.

When the kiddos arrived they were each given Padawan robes - once they all arrived they had to go through a Jedi training course to earn their "light sabers" which were neon colored bubble wands.  Once they received their "light sabers" they had to pass a series of tests to prove that they knew how to use their light sabers and then they were crowned Jedi.

We fed them Pizza and they had their choice between "Yoda Soda" or "Sith Soda"

We played a few games
Pass the Death Star - which was a ball wrapped in tin foil and we played it like Hot Potato with the Star Wars theme music
Pin the light saber on Yoda - I drew a picture of Yoda and a dozen light sabers and we played it with the kids blindfolded
Feed Jaba - I drew a picture of Jaba the Hut and did a bean bag toss
We also had a Darth Vader pull string pinata.

I  made James a Chocolate Banana Light Saber cake.  Overall James and his friends had a great time and all the hard work was worth it - just as it is most of the time when it comes to kids.

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