February 14, 2011

The Trek - August 2010

There is a lot to catch up on.  Since June our lives have changed enormously.

I have been called to be the 
1st Counselor in the Young Women's presidency and it has proven to be an amazing blessing to me as well as a lot of hard work.

At the beginning of August I went on a 4 day pioneer trek.  I was in the Jacobs family and I LOVED it.  We had the very best family on the trek - 
bar NONE.

My favorite experience was one that was new to the Trek this year.  In years past the babies that we've carried have gotten sick and died - each of the families had to burry their babies and have little graveside services, it is heartbreaking and the very least.  This year a few of the "Aunties and Uncles" died as well.  I was one of the "aunties" that was selected to die - no one knew that was going to happen.  We had been selected the week before and asked to bring white clothes to dress in.

The boys had been called to the Mormon Battalion and the girls were at the base of a very steep hill.  The stake YW president offered a prayer and called upon angels in heaven to assist these girls with their heavy load.  Just as they said "amen" we "angels" dressed in white came out of a clearing where we had been waiting and we pushed and pulled along these women and young women as the boys looked on.  It was the most enlightening and strengthening experience I've had in a very long time.

I have often thought that our generation and the generations to come are on a spiritual trek - and I have thought that maybe it would have been easier to come and do a physical trek - I am a strong athletic woman and I think I could have made it…or so I thought.  Little did I know that the pioneers took on both.  Now that I am a Mom and have had a little taste of what they went thorough I KNOW that this Church is true more than I knew it before.  The only reason a mother or a father would put their innocent children through what they went through is because IT IS TRUE.

What an amazing testimony builder it was.

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